Join the Club
Join the Club

Professional Development

✏️ Curriculum adoption and implementation
✏️ Project-based Instruction for Spanish class 
✏️ Designing your Heritage Spanish program from scratch
✏️ Teaching Heritage Spanish class with content-based instruction
✏️ Designing curriculum to accommodate varying levels in heritage Spanish class
✏️ Designing engaging units for heritage speakers
✏️ Prioritizing social-emotional learning in heritage speakers class

In-Person Workshops

Virtual Workshops

Fill out the form below to get started. 


Please send us a short message that includes the following information:

  • Tell us about your organization (name & location)?

  • How many world language teachers would be participating in the training

  • What grades/levels are these teachers teaching?

  • How long has your school district offered a Heritage Spanish class?

  • Do you have any specific topics in mind?

  • What is your time frame and budget?

  •  Do you prefer in-person or virtual?